Offering MEGA Review Thread - Get Reviews Here!

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
First off. I noticed that you had 2 accounts. You could've easily moved the channel to your new Google account if that's what you wanted. Also. When making your channel make sure you make it on a google plus page not a profile. You shouldn't be entering your channel name in the first name and last name field, you should be clicking use a different name.
Anyways. Onto the review.

Your banner and channel art definitely needs work. At the moment it looks dull, messy and not appealing. Get a proper branding that supports your Chanel well. Your thumbnails are also messy, they should be simple, clean and text should be legible. Youneed to get an intro and Outro. Have 5 seconds at thestartshowing the best moment to get your viewers engaged then have your intro then the main video. Like youtuber NickNimmin. For your outro, you can just use one from freedomsbranding pack until youtubers new end screenfeature rolls out to everyone. You might notneed a custom one. Trailers need to follow the 5 second rule and attract your viewers with an explosive and engaging start. Then keep the momentum flowing with a sort of montage of your best clips and moments that really showcase what your channels about. On top of that tell your viewers about your channel and in the first 10 seconds tell them the main focus of the channel and give them a reason to subscribe. Your descriptions need to have all your links at the bottom. Then your video description on top of those. Have a very detailed description. Use the upload defaults in your creator studio for your links.

Good luck.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2016
Hey man thanks for doing this. you are helping a lot of people out and thats very nice of you.
if you can give me some tips or improvement on my channel i would really love that.

Steam Controller Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 1, 2016
First off. I noticed that you had 2 accounts. You could've easily moved the channel to your new Google account if that's what you wanted. Also. When making your channel make sure you make it on a google plus page not a profile. You shouldn't be entering your channel name in the first name and last name field, you should be clicking use a different name.
Anyways. Onto the review.

Your banner and channel art definitely needs work. At the moment it looks dull, messy and not appealing. Get a proper branding that supports your Chanel well. Your thumbnails are also messy, they should be simple, clean and text should be legible. Youneed to get an intro and Outro. Have 5 seconds at thestartshowing the best moment to get your viewers engaged then have your intro then the main video. Like youtuber NickNimmin. For your outro, you can just use one from freedomsbranding pack until youtubers new end screenfeature rolls out to everyone. You might notneed a custom one. Trailers need to follow the 5 second rule and attract your viewers with an explosive and engaging start. Then keep the momentum flowing with a sort of montage of your best clips and moments that really showcase what your channels about. On top of that tell your viewers about your channel and in the first 10 seconds tell them the main focus of the channel and give them a reason to subscribe. Your descriptions need to have all your links at the bottom. Then your video description on top of those. Have a very detailed description. Use the upload defaults in your creator studio for your links.

Good luck.

I was wondering how to fix the two channel thing, I didn't know you could just move the whole channel over, that would have been easier. I'll look into getting rid of the other one and changing the google plus stuff. I'm new to youtube and google plus, so I had no idea you could do the stuff you mentioned.

The rest of your review makes me sad, lol. I have a lot of work to do (which I expected anyway). Thanks a lot for the review! It gives me a ton of concrete ideas to work on. I'm teaching myself about video editing right now, so hopefully I'll be able to implement some of the editing stuff you mentioned soon.

Thanks again!

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Here Comes A New Challenger!!

Let's get started. Good channel art and icon and vibrant thumbnails. Work on making your thumbnails clear, keep them simple yet attractive as the text can't really be read. You shouldn't have bluedge presents as the start of every title as it is really ruining your SEO big time. Every title should have a fun phrase, name of the game then your channel name. Keep your titles short and snappy. Channel layout should be popular videos, playlists, then uploads. Popular and playlists should be in a horizontal line and uploads should be vertical. Your about page is great. Your introduction shouldn't take 15 seconds and in my opinion your intros outdated. Have 5 seconds of the best moment, then your quick intro then your main video and put an end card at the end of the video. Take a look at youtuber NickNimmin. In your descriptions be sure to write a thorough description of the video for good SEO instead of just asking for subs, saying the players and having your links. The content in your trailer is good but it's not he right structure and it's not engaging. Trailers need to follow the 5 second rule and attract your viewers with an explosive and engaging start. Then keep the momentum flowing with a sort of montage of your best clips and moments that really showcase what your channels about. On top of that tell yourviewers about your channel and in the first 10 seconds tell them the main focus of the channel and give them a reason to subscribe.

Good luck :)

BluEdge Chekpoint

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Let's get started. Good channel art and icon and vibrant thumbnails. Work on making your thumbnails clear, keep them simple yet attractive as the text can't really be read. You shouldn't have bluedge presents as the start of every title as it is really ruining your SEO big time. Every title should have a fun phrase, name of the game then your channel name. Keep your titles short and snappy. Channel layout should be popular videos, playlists, then uploads. Popular and playlists should be in a horizontal line and uploads should be vertical. Your about page is great. Your introduction shouldn't take 15 seconds and in my opinion your intros outdated. Have 5 seconds of the best moment, then your quick intro then your main video and put an end card at the end of the video. Take a look at youtuber NickNimmin. In your descriptions be sure to write a thorough description of the video for good SEO instead of just asking for subs, saying the players and having your links. The content in your trailer is good but it's not he right structure and it's not engaging. Trailers need to follow the 5 second rule and attract your viewers with an explosive and engaging start. Then keep the momentum flowing with a sort of montage of your best clips and moments that really showcase what your channels about. On top of that tell yourviewers about your channel and in the first 10 seconds tell them the main focus of the channel and give them a reason to subscribe.

Good luck :)

Cool beans thanks

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Hey man thanks for doing this. you are helping a lot of people out and thats very nice of you.
if you can give me some tips or improvement on my channel i would really love that.

Can't really find much to fault you on besides:
a) get a proper outro. YouTube is releasing an end screen feature soon so you can just use one from freedoms branding kit.
b) write a detailed description for each video.
c) use a custom channel layout for your honepage. Click the settings next to the subscribe button and click customise channel layout. Then have popular uploads and playlists horizontally then have uploads vertically.

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Hey freedom!
So fix that hole in your ROWboat, Go crazy with lawrence, burn koalas tree and make some brittish crumpets because its time to kick things off again in the MEGA REVIEW THREAD!
From today I'll be once again offering reviews to all who post.

Please read the following guidelines and introduction before you post:

Hi Freedom Family,
Some of you may remember that I used to have a thread on this section where I would review people's channels one after the other and I would give positives and negatives
Find it here:

After taking a break from reviews for a while to focus on other projects I'm working on with both staff members and partners I've decided to comeback and dust off the clockwork, I'm starting a fresh new thread where you can post asking for a review of pretty much anything.

Here's some of the things you could ask to be reviewed:
  • Channel Trailer
  • Channel design (art, thumbnails and such)
  • Channel layout (how your front page is laid out)
  • Certain videos
  • SEO (tags, description, other metadata)
  • Overall channel reviews (won't be as detailed as others)
  • Website design and SEO
And the list goes on, pretty much anything digital related, I may even review your stories or such, who knows.

  • Only post one piece of content and only once.
  • Do not hijack this thread, I'm happy for you to point out something I've missed but your not to take over the thread.
  • Don't just dump your videos and go, you either want a review or you don't.
All other forum and section rules apply to this thread.

Don't get angry if I hammer you with negatives, I will always give positive but I'm trying to help you improve, don't see it as me saying your channel sucks, see it as areas to focus on.

Also, don't just leave your video, tell me what it's about, what your channel is about, why you want the review and what areas you want reviewed.

I'm a very busy person so a review can take anywhere between 1-5 days.

All the best freedom fam!

Enjoy your reviews!

Nc Gamer

Active Member
Freedom! Member
So a few weeks ago I had to get my computer fixed (missed a week of uploads) and am getting settled in with a new editing software. So far the actual visual quality seems to be an improvement (from 480p rendering to 720p) but some outside feedback would be appreciated in regards to some newer videos. I have a video that hasn't been posted yet if you have a moment to review it.


Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
So a few weeks ago I had to get my computer fixed (missed a week of uploads) and am getting settled in with a new editing software. So far the actual visual quality seems to be an improvement (from 480p rendering to 720p) but some outside feedback would be appreciated in regards to some newer videos. I have a video that hasn't been posted yet if you have a moment to review it.

Right lets get you my friend a review!
First off. You have 5-10 seconds at the start of your videos where you should be engaging your viewers so they watch the rest of the video. First 10 seconds, unfortunately I wasn't engaged, you need to have a call to action and also fix up the title. The title card just wasn't pleasing unfortunately, you need to work on font, Color and animation. If you can, maybe cut the title/intro out completely and get straight to the point. You've got 10 seconds, make it count. Your video quality was pretty good and your commentary needed a bit of work, engage with your viewers more, have more action and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD SON! Good gameplay however you need to cut down the video and skip the the most exciting parts. It wasn't feeling like a montage at all. Jump Cuts, L Cuts, J cuts whatever, let them be your best friend. You need to work on your editing. I get that your moving to a new software but just make sure your keeping things to the point. If you want a full HD free video editor I suggest hitfilm 4 express. Your titles need some work aswell (as mentioned earlier). Your choice of music wasn't really suitable for the game and the video type but I guess it's just your taste. Overall, it's ok. Just work on polishing everything and you will be good to go.
Hopefully this helps,
Showcase Over And Out
*drops mic*

Nc Gamer

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Right lets get you my friend a review!
First off. You have 5-10 seconds at the start of your videos where you should be engaging your viewers so they watch the rest of the video. First 10 seconds, unfortunately I wasn't engaged, you need to have a call to action and also fix up the title. The title card just wasn't pleasing unfortunately, you need to work on font, Color and animation. If you can, maybe cut the title/intro out completely and get straight to the point. You've got 10 seconds, make it count. Your video quality was pretty good and your commentary needed a bit of work, engage with your viewers more, have more action and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD SON! Good gameplay however you need to cut down the video and skip the the most exciting parts. It wasn't feeling like a montage at all. Jump Cuts, L Cuts, J cuts whatever, let them be your best friend. You need to work on your editing. I get that your moving to a new software but just make sure your keeping things to the point. If you want a full HD free video editor I suggest hitfilm 4 express. Your titles need some work aswell (as mentioned earlier). Your choice of music wasn't really suitable for the game and the video type but I guess it's just your taste. Overall, it's ok. Just work on polishing everything and you will be good to go.
Hopefully this helps,
Showcase Over And Out
*drops mic*
Thank you for the feed back. With the editor I have, I haven't quite figured out the text feature (its a bit more complex than movie maker). As for the music, Skye looks like a heavy metal version of Barbie so I kinda ran with it but I do agree that hard rock doesn't mix well with Paladins in hindsight. On that note what are L cuts and J cuts?

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Thank you for the feed back. With the editor I have, I haven't quite figured out the text feature (its a bit more complex than movie maker). As for the music, Skye looks like a heavy metal version of Barbie so I kinda ran with it but I do agree that hard rock doesn't mix well with Paladins in hindsight. On that note what are L cuts and J cuts?

This may be a good resource for your editing:

Freedom offers many music libraries such as audio micro and epidemic sound if you are looking for some music.

Peter Johnson

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 22, 2014

Marius Hirscher

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 23, 2017
what do you think about the idear of my channel ? I try to start a travel channel specified for germany and thailand/ south asia
This is my best video so far its something I really want to do more times just with more vlogging moments between drone shots and everything. Right now I started a short festival series which I bring out with a vlog later as well...