GFX Request Need a new profile picture!


Rising User
Dec 30, 2015
This request is for free! Anyways after saying that now you know that my request is free not paid.
Can anyone make me a profile picture for my Youtube? If you can here are some of the details!
Mind making the background whitish. Also if you can just make it look the photo i attached. Just change the colors into Black, Dark Blue and Light Blue. Make it have a Black outline on the outside, Dark Blue on the inside for the rest except for the eyes which will be Light Blue Just like the other dragon picture that I have attached make the eyes look like that kind of Blue Anyways thanks as usual and tell me what you want in
return! :D PICTURES OF WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT ARE BELOW AND HAVE BEEN ATTACHED TO THE THREAD! Anyways if you do make me the profile picture please send it to me via gmail @ [email protected]! Thanks and when sending me the profile picture tell me what you want in return!