Gaming NynxClan Channel Intro!


New User
Jan 17, 2016
Your names: Our names our Matthew, Dylan, Marco, Colin and Ben
Where are you from?: We are all from the U.S.A
How did you find Freedom!?: We came across a Youtube video which interested us and brought us to this
What made you join our forums?: Our channel is quite small yet the great quality of our videos so we thought we could increase our channel by doing this. We also wanted to find other channels that maybe are doing the same thing that we are doing so we can work with them. Last, we wanted to check out and help growing channels
What are your hobbies?: We all pretty much do the same thing; Playing videos games. Other than that we all just play some types of sports
What is your favorite food? Well since there's multiples of us we all agreed on one thing we like and that's chocolate. Who doesn't like it?
Why did you start YouTube? We loved watching Youtube videos and just got our minds clicking together and then made this channel
What is your biggest dream? We hope to become pretty popular with our channel and maybe eventually become well known on the games we play
What kind of channel do you run?: We run a video game channel where we upload videos of us playing some games. We also upload other random videos of some cool things
What kind of content do you upload? We mostly upload videos of us playing Minecraft
When do you upload?: Our schedule is off balance but we try to upload once every two days
Channel link: