Service Offering Closed Captions or Subtitles for videos!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hello Freedom!

I have decided to start a service for Freedom! members to start offering CC or Subtitles for YOUR YouTube videos. The plan behind that is that I take some time out of my day to improve your videos. Here's what I can offer:
Please note that I will only do these for channels that reach the limits or requirements listed below. You may apply when not reaching them, but I can't guarantee I will do it then.
  • The small Creator plan - One video under 10 Minutes subtitled for free. For channels of any size with videos of at least 50 views. Shoutout in the comments or description.
  • Growing Creator plan - 3 videos under 10 minutes in length each subtitled for free. For channels with more than 100 Subscribers or videos with 1000+ views in a week. Shoutout in a card with my channel at a set timestamp AND in the description.
  • The longer video plan - Up to two videos with 300 views a month (or 10 views a day). For channels of any size for free. Video must be 10 minutes or shorter. Shoutout in a card with my channel at a set timestamp AND in the description.
  • The large video plan - Two videos with a length of 10 to 20 minutes. Channel size must be 70 or more subscribers, shoutout in a card in the video at a set time. Prize: 3€
  • The one-month-plan - Get all of your videos subtitled for a month. Channel size must be larger than 50 Subscribers, shoutout in a card at a set timestamp. Prize: 29€
  • The one-month-plan + translation into German - Get all of your videos subtitled for a month and get the subtitles translated into German as well. Prize: 58€
  • The anonymous plan - Get any plan mentioned before but you don't have to give a shoutout. Prize: Plan prize + 1,50€
  • One video under 10 minutes - Shoutout in a card with my channel at a set timestamp AND in the description. Channels of any size. Prize: 1€
  • German translation on a video under 10 minutes - 3€ per video.
Q: What videos are not eligible?
I will review your video you want subtitled on a case-by-case basis. I may decline any video. For the monthly plan I will only decline videos for these reasons:
  1. Too hard to understand (Example:
  2. Video violates YouTube's TOS (Scams, spam, pornography, etc.)
Q: How can I contact you?
Please make requests either in this thread or through DMs on the forums. To start a DM with me, go to my profile by clicking on my image and select "Start a conversation". I can offer further contact through Discord or Skype as well.
Q: How long will it take for the videos to be reviewed or done?
It depends on when I have time. Paid plans will be further ahead in the queue of course.
Q: What about payment details?
I will discuss Payment details with you in a private message. You will get your money back if I can't do the videos.
Q: Why do I need subtitles?
Subtitles help your SEO and especially translated ones help your channel grow in SEO.
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