Gaming Shovel Knight!Zodiako Vs Tinker Knight En Español (In Spanish)

Zodiako Androf

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2015
Hola a Todos los Hispano hablantes de la familia Freedom! Les dejo mi ultimo video de Shovel Knight Espero les Guste aunque tuve algunos problemillas con la grabacion jajaj gajes del oficio XD

Siempre recuerda dejarme un comantario si te gusto el video y si no tambien! criticar siempre es bueno para crecer! :D

Hey Freedom Community! I know you don't speak Spanish, but if u can (and if u dare) you can give me some friendly advice as well you can help to grow up with your commentary! :D
I would be verygrateful (Sorry For bad English but it is not my thing the English xddd)