Small Gaming Channels risk losing AD revenue!


New User
Freedom! Member
Jul 1, 2016
hello fellow freedom gamers...

I am here to give you a warning, a warning to those who wish to receive ad revenue on their gaming channels... (can still apply to larger gaming channels, but mostly this applies to gaming channels that get less than a thousand views a week on their videos)

First, i'll tell you what happened to me.

I woke up monday to an email, stating that some videos of mine have been tagged as "non advertiser friendly", and that if i think they were wrongly categorized i can appeal... I click the link which takes me to my channel video manager, and shows the videos tagged as "non advertiser friendly".... I then realize, over half of my videos were tagged.... From my CS:GO clutch video montages, to my channel trailer, to my military role play videos...

I think, okay fine, they were tagged by an algorithim looking for violence, like murders, killings, suicides etc... I'll appeal and it won't be a problem.... Well, youtube lets you appeal, won't review the appeal unless every video that this happened to, has 1000 views a week... Some of these videos are a year old, and will never get that many views a week... So, i contact youtube, tell them my situation... They do nothing, they tell me, to appeal, which i've already done, then say sorry, you don't have 1000 views a week...

So i contact freedom, tell them my situation, ask what if anything can i do to get ads back on these videos and going forward, what i can do to prevent my videos from being tagged non-ad friendly....

The response... To the first, of what i can do to get the ads back, they responded with the same as youtube... get a thousand views in a week....

As to my second question, they suggested i censor the graphic scenes....

Guys, the games i'm playing aren't showing nudity, or sexual activities, or anything like that.... MY CSGO videos were seen as not ad friendly due to violence...

All small gaming channels are at risk of being demonetized, and having no recourse.... tread carefully...
If this can happen to me, somebody who's most viewed video only has like a couple thousand views, and was made a year ago.... this can happen to any of you...

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
I can understand that this may be upsetting for you but it does seem like some of the time this reduction of advertisement can be temporary. A few of my videos got flagged the other day and then reinstated and I didn't do anything for that to happen. It does seem like more guidance needs to be given from YouTube or at least a way for smaller channels to challenge this, but until that happens unfortunately its just the price we pay


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
As stupid as this may sound, looking at your channel it's the tags. YouTube runs a pretty basic (crappy) algorithm over videos to deem them advertiser-friendly. Call it stupid though I do believe the issue lies in tags. Try editing tags to remove any that are remotely violent (This includes even stuff like this: upload_2017-9-8_22-41-17.png).

While researching (believe it or not I sometimes do Google Searches while writing replies here) I stumbled upon this post. While you can't appeal it you can remove things from your Tags and the AI will re-review it.

YouTube demonetizing Kill Montages is actually not new information at all. Looking one page back in News and Announcements you can actually find this by lovely Jord writing about it exactly three months ago!

Also YouTube's AI will change judgement on videos later potentially so you can hope for that.
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New User
Sep 11, 2017
hello fellow freedom gamers...

I am here to give you a warning, a warning to those who wish to receive ad revenue on their gaming channels... (can still apply to larger gaming channels, but mostly this applies to gaming channels that get less than a thousand views a week on their videos)

First, i'll tell you what happened to me.

I woke up monday to an email, stating that some videos of mine have been tagged as "non advertiser friendly", and that if i think they were wrongly categorized i can appeal... I click the link which takes me to my channel video manager, and shows the videos tagged as "non advertiser friendly".... I then realize, over half of my videos were tagged.... From my CS:GO clutch video montages, to my channel trailer, to my military role play videos...

I think, okay fine, they were tagged by an algorithim looking for violence, like murders, killings, suicides etc... I'll appeal and it won't be a problem.... Well, youtube lets you appeal, won't review the appeal unless every video that this happened to, has 1000 views a week... Some of these videos are a year old, and will never get that many views a week... So, i contact youtube, tell them my situation... They do nothing, they tell me, to appeal, which i've already done, then say sorry, you don't have 1000 views a week...

So i contact freedom, tell them my situation, ask what if anything can i do to get ads back on these videos and going forward, what i can do to prevent my videos from being tagged non-ad friendly....

The response... To the first, of what i can do to get the ads back, they responded with the same as youtube... get a thousand views in a week....

As to my second question, they suggested i censor the graphic scenes....

Guys, the games i'm playing aren't showing nudity, or sexual activities, or anything like that.... MY CSGO videos were seen as not ad friendly due to violence...

All small gaming channels are at risk of being demonetized, and having no recourse.... tread carefully...
If this can happen to me, somebody who's most viewed video only has like a couple thousand views, and was made a year ago.... this can happen to any of you...
wao that's terrible hope i don't ever have to go thru this.. maybe you'll have to change you channel now to a vlog or something i guess??///
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
I have been around when YouTube started, and, I have never seen such an issue when it comes to some of the newer channels out there, one year old account is having an issue like these can cause YouTube a lot of problems (Will it though?), and, I have never had an issue with my content which include violence, if the violence is done right on YouTube, then there is no issues when it comes to the content, and YouTube usually targets your tags, title and description, so, as long as you watch what you include in the title, description and tags, you'll be fine
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Gaming Gang Gang

New User
Sep 2, 2017
Los Angeles
I somehow got a bus simulator video non-advertiser friendly. Not sure what's wrong with London rush hour, but yeah! xD
hello fellow freedom gamers...

I am here to give you a warning, a warning to those who wish to receive ad revenue on their gaming channels... (can still apply to larger gaming channels, but mostly this applies to gaming channels that get less than a thousand views a week on their videos)........

Sorry about that, thanks for the heads up!