PC TazzCraft (MindCrack, HermitCraft Style Server) Looking for Mature/adult players

Tazz Mann

New User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2014
I am a small YouTube Commentator with just under 350 subscribers. I am 43, married and have 2 children. I started the TazzCraft server mid 2013 and for a while we had about 28 members from around the world and around 10-15 on the server at almost any given time. Just after the release of 1.8 many of the existing members lost interest in Minecraft or life happened and they were not able to play.

Because of this the TazzCraft server has become somewhat of a ghost town. Instead of shutting down the server and moving on, I have decided to try and bring it back to life by recruiting some fresh blood.

The purpose of the server is for fellow YouTube commentators to have a place to make videos and collaborate with other TazzCrafters. To be eligible to join the server you need:

1) Be an active YouTuber (Currently making Minecraft videos)
2) You need to have at least 10 MC videos on your channel that are 10 min. or more, with you commentating to your viewers.
3) Be mature/adult (17 or older)

If you meet the above criteria and want to become a TazzCrafter send me an email ( [email protected] ) with your YouTube channel (So I can check you out) and I will send you the Rules and Regulations for the server.

Thanks, hope to see you on the server,
- T4zzMann