Comedy "That Weird Channel."


Rising User
Jan 26, 2016
Hey everyone! I am FainterStreak and I feel like my channel is different.

For now, I don't game.

I am not a gaming channel, no, but I am different.

I make skits.

You know what those are, and if you don't, that's ok!

Skits are like a comedy sketch. You know, the things you see in Saturday Night Live, or Smosh.

I am like that person. And I don't make it boring... or at least I try not to make it boring.

I try my best to make you guys smile. I try my best to keep you entertained, because people need to be entertained.

"What examples do you have, FainterStreak? What videos have you made already?"

I'm glad you asked! Well, one example that people seem to love is "justgirlythings." justgirlythings is a Tumblr thing where they post pictures that usually only relate to, well, girls. It's justgirlythings.

Anyways, I thought it would be great to make a video revolving around it.

Want the video? Here!

Now, I don't ONLY make skits. I make videos that people consider "The Weird Side Of Youtube."

One example that people (especially in my school) loves is one called "Folden The Tank Engine."

It's a video about one of my teachers, photoshopped on a train, doing... well, yeah. You can't really explain it. Here's the video!

I also make TUTORIALS!

Now, I don't have tutorials on everything... actually, only on one thing.

Have you ever heard of Geometry Dash?

Yes, if you play that game, I make tutorials on how to make better levels and such! It's really fun!

Well, I can't explain everything about me, but this is my channel. I hope you have fun viewing it. Subscribe, like, click an ad, share, etc. I just hope you have fun :)
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