Sports TheSportsOutsiders is here

Mar 21, 2017
Hi everybody my name is Michael and i have a "new" youtube channel with one of my best friends Morten.
It is technically not a new youtube channel we have but in a way it is because we have remade my old channel and made it into a new collab channel where we are going to talk all about the NBA, we are also going to talk about football because we are huge fans of both Basketball and football (soccer for the Americans)
Some short information on the two of us:
We are from Danmark, huge sports fans, live in the same city, go to the same school and do almost everything together, i am 19 and morten is 18
We are looking forward to working with this community :)


"You don't know me...but you will"
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Hello & welcome to the Freedom forums. I'm not much of a sports fan myself :( the only things I like doing that are sport based are badminton & tennis really. I prefer to go walking and running. You should also fix your Error! from linking your channel to your forum profile to by hovering over your name on the top right bar & select "Personal details" from there scroll down to the YouTube channel box and follow the instructions in small text underneath it to make sure you get it right. then just save and you'll have a mini sub box which people can use to reach you channel quickly.​