YouTube Trying to reach 100 subscribers


New User
Jan 25, 2017
I've been stuck at 40 to 43 subs for the longest on my YT Channel and need help on seeing how I can get my Sub count up. I'm always seeing other channels with like 10 videos on their channels get like 500 to 1k subs and really don't know how they do it! Any advice I can get will be a huge help.

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
It depends on quite a lot of factors, unfortunately YouTube requires a lot of trial and error most of the time, with a bit of luck sprinkled on top. Best way to increase your chances of being noticed / increasing subs / views is try and create compelling content - this doesn't mean you always need to do the top trending things - but taking time to make sure your releasing good quality content, with good eye catching thumbnails, and taking time to create good descriptions and tags to maximise your chances of being noticed through YouTube's meta data.
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RF Daniel

New User
Jan 25, 2017
I've been stuck at 40 to 43 subs for the longest on my YT Channel and need help on seeing how I can get my Sub count up. I'm always seeing other channels with like 10 videos on their channels get like 500 to 1k subs and really don't know how they do it! Any advice I can get will be a huge help.
same dude i have 153 videos i had 73 more but i deleted those but I've been doing youtube for 2 years and just hit 70 today.

selfie style

Rising User
Dec 18, 2016
I've been stuck at 40 to 43 subs for the longest on my YT Channel and need help on seeing how I can get my Sub count up. I'm always seeing other channels with like 10 videos on their channels get like 500 to 1k subs and really don't know how they do it! Any advice I can get will be a huge help.

Have you spread the word on facebook? Have you posted your youtube link on a facebook status and then encourage all your friends to subscribe? Use twitter too.... Use instagram. Use all methods of social media to promote yourself and build a subscriber base on your youtube channel. You have to build a community. I'm currently working on that too..... It's been 2 and a half months for me and I have 308 subscribers as I write this. It's tough, but I'm sure it helps when you post your youtube video link on other social media sites.

Create a facebook page for you channel. Regularly post he links of your video on that page and use smart hashtags. Invite all your friends to your page. Then it will be easier to get them to subscribe to your youtube channel. I would like to check out your youtube channel but I don't see it under your post.....


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 19, 2016
Augusta, GA
I hear it said all the time, but consistency is definitely key... There is a good bit of luck to it too...

Personally, I make sure all of my content is tagged appropriately on YT. I also share on my Facebook page, and in Facebook groups based around my video content. I've had the best luck also sharing on forums, and sub-reddits around my content-type... Not spamming of course, but answering questions, posting topics, etc... To the luck part, something clicked a few weeks ago, and I went from 140 to now 461 subs... And it seems to be steadily growing each time a post a new vid. The boost from one of my reddit posts has created a momentum of traffic...

I'll also say that you need to differentiate yourself as much as possible. After much trial and error, I seem to have found a niche that I'm passionate about. I haven't seen much (if any other youtubers) doing the specific same content, and based on my channel growth in the last 2 weeks, there's definitely a market for it.

King Cory

New User
Feb 10, 2017
keep grinding bud took me forever to hit 150 now that i hit it im slowing gaining still just takes time and work!

Magikarp Films

Active Member
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2017
well... i guess i should pitch in.... i started about nov and now working on hitting that 1k mark soon i hope. idea to get to this. well easy. 1 promote your stuff by making good intro and not talking about the intro it's self.... i'm talking about the start of your video. hit the point and kill it lmao. the less you say the better. and the quicker the video the better. long story short. editing is your friend. for live streaming... well if you have the tools to make some kind of fun out of it. then do it up. like just random game play or something you enjoy. overall... do what you love. and edit it to the best you can or live stream and have fun. if you're a gamer if you like "don't need to just showing what i do for my channel to get an idea of what i do" could look at my stuff from the start of how i used my editing. and tend to get better as i was learning "still am". on TY it's magikarp films. anyways good luck with your channel Itsviperrr and hope you get what you're aiming for :)