Gaming Veteran LetsPlayer back in the game


New User
Feb 2, 2016
Im from **** ****** Colorado, USA, I am 15 years of age. I found freedom when I was talking to a friend of mine about networks, he pointed me towards Freedom! and I registered as soon as possible. I joined the forums when I saw a video put up on the Freedom! youtube channel about doubling my subscribers. My favorite hobbies are; skiing, putting many hours into games I love, baseball, collabing with other YouTubers, and many other things. My favorite food has to be Medium-Rare steak with Holula hot sauce on it. I started this youtube channel back in 2012, and I grew it as much as possible. But ive been running channels since I was young, and I guess the main reason I started was to see a bunch of people watching my videos. My biggest dream is to become a civil lawyer, but besides that I'd like to hit the 100,000 subscriber mark. I run a gaming channel that takes any kind of request from anyone anytime. I upload heavily edited gaming videos (at this moment, only Minecraft videos are being uploaded, but more are soon to come). I TRY to upload once a week, but I may upload before or after that time mark.

Channel link:

Thanks for clicking on this and reading it all of the way!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 11, 2015
York, Pennsylvania