VR Video Shout Out Collaboration


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 11, 2015
York, Pennsylvania
This Shout out is a lot different then most as you don't have to subscribe to First Order Entertainment, do comments or likes. It's a simple upload. This is to help small channels grow!

What you gain:
You will gain more subscribers by sending in a video to First Order Entertainment. Our staff review the videos that are to be posted up and at the end of each video is a linked box to your channel. You can see what I mean by clicking the youtube button below and going to the end of one of the videos. We are here to help you.

What FOE gains:
You may be thinking we are using your videos for money, we are not. You all get subscribers coming to your channel and in turn your videos will help FOE get bigger as well. If FOE gets bigger and you send more videos in you have a higher chance of subscribers coming to your video each time.

How do I do it?
Video Tutorial: Link
  1. Find a video that you like and would like others to enjoy. Be sure it only has loyalty free music or music by a Freedom Music Partners.
  2. Get a your logo file, channel logo.
  3. Send both your logo file and video file to [email protected] (may send url to youtube video to have downloaded by us personally.)
    Subject the email "Uploads" and put a brief description in the body and any other comments/questions with it.
  4. Once the video is sent give it 24-48 hours for a reply. The reply is not automated, since we only send it when a video has been downloaded by a staff member and is now under review.
  5. If you receive another email from FOEUploads it will be stating that your video has been approved to be posted. It will state the day it is to be posted on the channel.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may comment below, Private message us on freedom, or send your questions into [email protected]. We hope to hear from you soon.

We also ask that you help share this feature of FOE to other content creators so they may grow!

~First Order Entertainment Staff.
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