XBox Voice Actors, Writers, In-Game Actors Needed (Possibly)


Active Member
Dec 8, 2014
I had an idea for a GTA 5 machinima series that could be made using rockstar editor director mode or just online recording. It may become a reality with some help. I would probably sound too young to play the adult characters and I don't know if I can find some teenage player models other than Jim and Tracey so I'm going to need some voice actors. If we decide to record in online and edit with the rockstar editor I will need some in-game actors (which would require Xbox One GTA 5), otherwise I can do use director mode. Just to make sure you read this type: gg, in the box labeled Final Box of the form. So if anyone wants to help out please fill out this form - []. I have a basic pilot episode idea so far but not anything further so 'writers' would also be appreciated.


Rising User
Dec 25, 2015
I can't do in game acting because I don't have an XBox One, but if you need a British guy for a voice actor at all I could try that? I dunno if you need that but yeah it's an option I suppose. Also I'd definitely love to help with writing if you need it, I love that sort of stuff!