Gaming wanna see some cool destiny stuff?


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
hello i'm Rayan, i'm a pro (ish) destiny PvP and PvE destiny player and some epic GTA V moments i'm trying to do some comedy tuff too. if you want, stop by my chanel is THANKS FOR READING

NOTE FOR DESTINY PLAYERS: if you wanna play some PvP with me and send me a message at r21091086 (log story abou the name) PS4 THANKS AND TAKE CARE
There's been a lot of hype for Destiny, even months after it came out, it's good to hear that it's still kicking! I don't have a ps4 of my own, but I hope that you find people on here that are able to help you a ton iRx ^^