What is the best way of gaining new subs


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
the best way to get subscribers is to show you actually care ABOUT your subscribers

if you are looking for sub 4 sub it doesn't communicate that you care about the person, just about numbers in general.

if you don't respond to your subscribers comments on your videos it also shows you don't care - mind you if you are in the millions of commenters this kinda no longer applies as its just not feasible, but when you are starting out it is.

if you are blanketing everywhere "SUBSCRIBE TO ME!" it comes off as desperate and people are generally turned off by desperate people.

And lastly, if you are not submitting original, unique or quality content people are not going to want to subscribe to you. Also if you are rude arrogant or dismissive of your followers you will not retain them.

Also some tips for getting subscribers


new people are more likely to follow you than anyone - thus make new people feel welcome and they will be more likely to follow you.

Also your forum signature is the one place that is really designed to promote yourself - use it to the fullest - look at mine - first I list all my playlists that I submit my stuff too in an attractive format

then I list my newest video

then I list all the other places you can find me

this is non-disruptive but also in your face at all times - the colours help it really pop out. You have to learn how to really market yourself well, and brand yourself everywhere.

Hope this helps!