What video game protagonist do you hate the most?


Freedom! Member
The arctic fox from Never Alone. I called him Foxy. He was my favorite character to play as for the first half of the game, and then he took on another form. I couldn't do anything as Foxy without getting angry. He was a lot more fun to play when he was just a regular fox, instead of some slow floating ghost with the suckiest controls I've ever seen. It was a miracle I was able to defeat the villain that throws fireballs at you, who I named Sam-I-Am. Sam-I-Am is what I always call unnamed villains, and horror game monsters.

But the one of the things that just full out upset me the first time I saw it, was what Foxy's second form was. It looked so stupid to me. I loved and adored Foxy for the first half of the game, and then they took away what made him adorable and lovable in the first place: just being a cute little fox... not to mention playable.
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Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Sep 19, 2016
The arctic fox from Never Alone. I called him Foxy. He was my favorite character to play as for the first half of the game, and then he took on another form. I couldn't do anything as Foxy without getting angry. He was a lot more fun to play when he was just a regular fox, instead of some slow floating ghost with the suckiest controls I've ever seen. It was a miracle I was able to defeat the villain that throws fireballs at you, who I named Sam-I-Am. Sam-I-Am is what I always call unnamed villains, and horror game monsters.

But the one of the things that just full out upset me the first time I saw it, was what Foxy's second form was. It looked so stupid to me. I loved and adored Foxy for the first half of the game, and then they took away what made him adorable and lovable in the first place: just being a cute little fox... not to mention playable.
Mine would be the 'boy' from Limbo xD


Rising User
Oct 6, 2016
my most hated protogonist would probably be ... idk. Maybe Amy from sonic and graham from resident evil 4. They are just annoying as hell lol


Rising User
Oct 15, 2016
can´t put a name really, just any character that get´s to much of any emotion, being sad... or spending an awfull lot of the game crying or complaining about anything D:

we get it, you´re sad/angry/happy about something, don´t try to get all the game about that thing!

Fun Times

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 8, 2016
I don't have a specific protagonist but I do have a type of one that gets to me. I dislke young or clueless protagonists. I don't mind it if a protagonist is a young child trying to overcome adversity, like Clementine from Walking Dead. But the ones that are young in mind but are an adult tend to not be my favorite. It's complicated and I probably didn't describe it probably haha XD
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