Your reasons for starting YouTube


Gods of Odds

I was wondering what are all of your reasons for starting YouTube? Mine are rather long and complicated but I will tell you for those of you that want to know.

Me (Matt) and my girlfriend (Helen) started a YouTube channel because we desperately want to live together but I'm doing a full time university course and she is doing a levels so we don't really have enough time to get a well paided enough job as for now we have to live in Welwyn garden city because of her a levels (I'm doing open university so I can do it anywhere). So although of course we enjoy doing YouTube as if we didn't we wouldn't do it, we are hoping that it we will grow on it and earn enough money from it within 1 or 2 years. At the moment let's just say the situation isn't brilliant in life so we are trying to do everything we can to move out with each other. We do have plans for making a lore series on our channel which hasn't been done yet on YouTube but we are still learning some things and are still planning but we are getting closer to getting it done. If you did read this then I would just like to say thanks for reading and do tell me your reasons below.
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 4, 2014
Interesting. Best of luck with that.

In my case, when I first got started in Unity Game Development (Unity is a Game Engine), it was a little hard for me to understand certain concepts and the way things are done. The Unity website had plenty of documentation and tutorials, and it was good quality too, but I still found it very challenging taking my first few steps into Unity. I had a hard time understanding things. I kept looking for tutorials online, and eventually one day found a YouTuber named Brackeys. Thanks to his tutorials, I was able to take my first few steps into Unity. I guess it was his way of teaching that made it easier for me to understand. Then through other tutorials, documentation online and research, I learned more and kept improving. Eventually, I rose above beginner level. At that point, I felt that just like me, there must be others out there who have a hard time understanding certain concepts, the way things work in Unity, etc. so I started making Unity Game Development tutorials. That's my story.

Gods of Odds

Interesting. Best of luck with that.

In my case, when I first got started in Unity Game Development (Unity is a Game Engine), it was a little hard for me to understand certain concepts and the way things are done. The Unity website had plenty of documentation and tutorials, and it was good quality too, but I still found it very challenging taking my first few steps into Unity. I had a hard time understanding things. I kept looking for tutorials online, and eventually one day found a YouTuber named Brackeys. Thanks to his tutorials, I was able to take my first few steps into Unity. I guess it was his way of teaching that made it easier for me to understand. Then through other tutorials, documentation online and research, I learned more and kept improving. Eventually, I rose above beginner level. At that point, I felt that just like me, there must be others out there who have a hard time understanding certain concepts, the way things work in Unity, etc. so I started making Unity Game Development tutorials. That's my story.
It's nice to see that your helping other people with something that does sound quite hard.
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
My reason for starting youtube?

Well, my wife and i had this crazy idea to start streaming on Twitch as it would be fun. That said i get distracted while talking during a game so i decided to keep it at gameplay only for the time being. After a set amount of being active and gaining a follower base i slowly started to chat with some who told me to set my content on youtube as they found the gameplay entertaining to see.

That said i opened a youtube channel where shortly after i uploaded my live streams from Twitch and my followers from there subscribed to help me get on the way.

From there on out my journey began and over time i revamped my channel a couple times, now 3 years laters with alot more experience then when i began i found what i want to do and how i want to do it.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 9, 2016
I started my youtube back in 2011 as a way to help contribute and grow the Gears of War game community, but I try to grow my channel because I want to make creating content a full time job. I mean we all heard the phrase: "Find something you love, figure out how to make money doing it, and then you'll never work a day in your life again" Which is exactly what I want to do. I hate going to work every day dreading it, and wasting countless hours of my life for a company that I just don't really care for, just to make money. I'd much rather work those hours doing something I love to do, and have the freedom to work for myself.
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INDI vidual

Active Member
Mar 11, 2016
My reason is pretty simple. Games were always the thing I loved. And then I started watching some youtubers such as Mark, Jack and Felix. And I thought it was really fun. So, I saved up some money, and created my channel in February. I just like to make people happy and bring smile to their faces :)


Respected User
Jun 11, 2016
Since a very young age, I have been a creative person. Always creating things. Writing, acting, drawing and so on... It's what I love and have always loved to do...

And, as cringey as it may seem, I like to make people smile or laugh, hence why I do funny gaming videos.

But the main reason I started YouTube is because I saw others doing it, and, because of my creative mind and my passion for making others laugh, I took it up myself.

Christina Kersten

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I started YouTube simply because I was bored one day and thought it would be fun to post a video. I've been making videos ever since and I've made so many different types of videos since I've started. I've made lyric videos, vlogs, gaming videos, and just plain weird, and random stuff. But now I've finally discovered something I enjoy: vlogs and travel vlogs.
So basically my reasons for starting YouTube is because I enjoy it. It gets my mind off of things and it's just fun. And making people laugh is just an added bonus :)


Rising User
Apr 28, 2016
Well reason i started youtube is because i want to learn something new and i am doing every video im learning and gaining experience of editing videos but also about how to run a business as such

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
My reason for starting youtube?

Well, my wife and i had this crazy idea to start streaming on Twitch as it would be fun. That said i get distracted while talking during a game so i decided to keep it at gameplay only for the time being. After a set amount of being active and gaining a follower base i slowly started to chat with some who told me to set my content on youtube as they found the gameplay entertaining to see.

That said i opened a youtube channel where shortly after i uploaded my live streams from Twitch and my followers from there subscribed to help me get on the way.

From there on out my journey began and over time i revamped my channel a couple times, now 3 years laters with alot more experience then when i began i found what i want to do and how i want to do it.

I was searching for an outlet, something to distract me from daily life and all the hassle. I never thought anyone would look up my video's but allot of people did.

It changed my life, I didn't want to escape anymore but live it. My channel made me switch career and make my own path for the very first time in my life.
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Nuski Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 21, 2016
i started my youtube channel because ever since i was a little kid and all i loved to do is play video games and enjoy them over anything else and i like to interact with people on the internet


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 18, 2016
I started my youtube channel a couple years ago, but I never really uploaded much onto it as my internet service isn't that great and overall internet here in Australia is pretty crap. I like to play games in my spare time and have fun with friends, which I look to upload onto youtube for others to browse and enjoy.


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Well I started out way differently and it was because of the same reasons that everyone kid started off on youtube and yes I was like that but the moment I got on I knew its different and I started enjoying meeting people talking to people who I never thought I can talk to....and it changed and I do this for fun for meeting new people


New User
Jun 2, 2016
I started my channel because making videos is fun for me, I love playing call of duty and I love being skilled at it and I based my channel around skillful challenges and I've had a lot of fun with it so far :) I started back in April


New User
Jun 21, 2015
I started making youtube videos because I have a passion for it and I want to show some of my creativity through making videos, and also to help my mom and dad with their bills.

Nordic Chronicles

Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Jun 8, 2014
U.S.A, Illinois.
My reason is pretty simple. Games were always the thing I loved. And then I started watching some youtubers such as Mark, Jack and Felix. And I thought it was really fun. So, I saved up some money, and created my channel in February. I just like to make people happy and bring smile to their faces :)
Pretty much the same reason on my end. It is fun to play the games and it is even more fun to edit and add commentary(when necessary) and responding to the kind individuals(sometimes!) who comment on said videos.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 16, 2016
why I started with youtube?

in the first place back in 2011 it was only because I wanted to be famous with movies. because back on that time I love to have fans who were watching me all the tiem and that felt amazing back then. but later my reason for youtube has changed trough the years. like since in 2013 my reason was because I had fun and a good time with making video's and I loved to make them. but later in 2015 my reason changed again. then I still was making video's because I love the results. and not of the money or the fame. but more that people loved my work that I always can look back and see what exactly they love about it and that gives me the feeling that I did something very awesome and that made me very happy. and now in 2016 it's still the reason what I have since 2015 but with this added. that I also just love to make video's and I have so much fun with all that and I love it to see it when a lot of people are watching it and appreciate my work. and even commenting and liking it. that makes me so happy. I even have so much fun with editing the video's now. actually I have fun with everything about it. but since 2011 the beginnign that I started. I still have the same dream that I wil be a full time youtuber later and that I can live of youtube just so I can be full time busy with it till my grave. and I hope that freedom can help me that make that dream comming true.

Tom Klin

Respected User
Jun 25, 2014
at first i uploaded for fun but then i got addicted in making youtube videos
and the more i uploaded the more subscribers/comments i got
its just so much fun:)