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  1. vDom

    Upload Milestone Finished my first Nuzlocke Pokémon challenge!

    I have recently completed the final episode in my 52 video long Pokémon Nuzlocke challenge series! I am really proud of this because not only is it a difficult challenge but it's even more difficult when there isn't a large fanbase waiting on episodes. If for some reason you are bored then you...
  2. vDom

    Twilight Princess HD! What changes do you want to see?

    I am sure many of you are aware of the rumours that we might be getting a Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U. I plan on making a top 5 things I want to see in the re-make so I was wondering, what do YOU guys want to see? :-)
  3. vDom

    Saddest video game you have ever played?

    So I am going to be let's playing Mother 3 soon which is known for being a very sad and upsetting game. It got me thinking, what game or games have given you guys the "feels"? Try and keep it spoiler free if you can but I am a sucker for sad games so I'd like to check out some you guys have...
  4. vDom

    Longest series on your channel?

    Hey dudes! Haven't posted in a while but I was wondering something random. I have been recording a Fire Red Nuzlocke and today recorded past episode 40! I have only uploaded up to part 37 so far though. I was surprised that I had managed to have a series run this long and still going strong...