
  1. P

    Enviado a Soporte No tengo el DashBoard Ni la musica. (Lei preg frecuentes)

    Hoy Recibi la invitación de la Network y acepté. Tambien verifique el correo, ahora en mi canal aparece que estoy con Freedom pero no puedo acceder a la musica ni al Dashboard
  2. Crazylawrence

    Solved FIXED: Adding Channel link is now working again!

    Hey Freedom! Family This isn't the usual support post you would see, I am making this for you's to be aware until answers or fixes are made. This link: https://www.freedom.tm/dashboard/channel/add or the link that you click in the Freedom! Dashboard to add more channels is currently working now!
  3. Anthony Smith

    Staff Reminder: Epoxy makes Milestones EASY!!

    So many people don't know this but Epoxy.tv is a FREE resource to Freedom partners and you can sign up in the dashboard (currently in the sponsorships section) Epoxy allows you to quickly and easily manage your socials such as twitter, Instagram, Vine, Facebook pages, and personal accounts. It...
  4. V

    Solved Earnings

    Hello all, I do see my earnings in youtube dashboard but in freedom i can't. How is this possible and is this perhaps correct. Thank you all.
  5. Dr. Dunk

    Solved Freedom! Dashboard mobile page

    It isnt really breaking anything, but on mobile the dashboard isnt the best anymore. The menu is off screen so you need to scroll and the earnings menu is also not good because you cant select hitbox. If you see my video linked below you can see the problems im having
  6. S

    Solved dashboard

    firstly I dont perfectly speak english. i dont se a learn more button please help me.
  7. RadioBracknell

    What is your favourite part of the freedom dashboard?

    What is your favourite/ most useful part of the freedom dashboard for you guys?
  8. KNGGamingChannel

    Dashboard "Community Forums" Link Broken

    Hi Freedom!, Just wanted to let you know that if you click the "Community Forum" button on the Dashboard side menu, you are linked to "https://en.community.tm/", instead of "http://freedom.community.tm". The former link doesn't work, and the browser gets an error every time. Hope this helps :)
  9. C

    Solved Freedom dashboard problems

    Hello guys , a few days ago something weird happened , when entered freedom's site , all my earnings disapeared , no past earnings , no future earnings , nothing. So i deactivated my account , and reactived , thinking it might resolve the problem.Still no use. Then i saw that George posted this...
  10. Mihai97

    Solved Your next payment

    Summary (Your next payment: Jul 31, 2016) I am partner with freedom from dec 2014 I will be paid at the end of May? This is a dashboard bug?
  11. Acrenzo

    Solved I just got accepted to the Freedom network but..

    Yeah I so I just got an email a few hours before that I have been accepted to the Freedom network. So right now I am able to access Freedom dashboard now. But I have a few questions. 1)So does this mean I am officially partnered with Freedom? I don't see "Partner : Freedom MCN " or anything...
  12. TeamRespawn

    Solved Dailymotion earnings not present

    In the dashboard I am unable to look at my dailymotion earnings. I have my Dailymotion channel linked to Freedom. Is there anyway to fix this?
  13. TeamRespawn

    Solved Dashboard earnings broken?

    I checked the new features of the earnings in the dashboard, but they do not work for my account. It says my current month is December 1969, and I am unable to look at a the recruiter and dailymotion tabs on the earnings. Any help with this?
  14. Daegnard

    Oficial Danos tu opinión sobre nuestro Dashboard

    ¡Hola a todos! Estrenamos este subforo con una pregunta muy concreta para que podáis darnos a conocer vuestras sugerencias y puntos de vista como usuarios acerca de nuestro dashboard de Freedom! El dashboard es el panel de control que se recibe por ser miembro de Freedom! y donde entre otras...
  15. TeamRespawn

    Dashboard Suggestion

    I have dashboard suggestion. Under the tools section, I think Freedom should update this to add all of the tools. Things like the Dailymotion sync, spam checker, heartbeat links, freedom social media links, recruitment tools, and the upload.tm site. I think it's difficult to find these on the...
  16. L

    Solved Whats wrong with my freedom dashboard ?

    hi there...can someone explain me why my dashboard wont show me the february earnings ? until yesterday it was ok now when i enter i cant find nothing...and dashboard change a lot...is there any change on dashboard ?
  17. Z


    Hello Freedom. I need yout help. I got a email from freedom saying "Your are accepted to Freedom communite. But when i go to youtube tis hepend. I didn't got enything. Here are some pictures sorry for the quallity.
  18. TeamRespawn

    Dashboard Bug: Sync Tool

    The Dailymotion sync tool is plagued with bugs. 1. Search bar doesn't work 2. No way to schedule videos to be synced 3. Have no idea when videos will be actually uploaded (Sometimes it takes over a month to sync a video for me) 4. Usually not all the videos on Youtube are shown to be synced 5...
  19. V

    YouTube Hey my partnership on dashboard is gone

    I I need help youtube video say that you could resend it I waited a couple daysï
  20. P

    Solved I haven't gotten my full member status yet. . .

    Hey guys, i partnered with Freedom over an hour ago (via YouTube, Learn more, Agree etc) and haven´t gotten my full member status on the dashboard yet. There´s a post (https://freedom.community.tm/threads/known-issues-frequently-asked-questions-updated-feb-2.24755/) that says the dashboard...