
  1. P

    Gaming Hi ^^ I'm a new youtuber and I want to get more information about Freedom! Network

    Hi ^^ Hi and Welcome to My Channel !!!!!! In this chain you find anime series, The Games Play , The Funny Videos and Tutorials So !! please , the fist thing is !!! what's the condition for join freedom! Network and the second thing is !!!! what's the beneficial of freedom! And THX...
  2. I

    Solved How to add Freedom Dashboard ?

    Hello I want to know how to add Freedom Dashboard to my YouTube Channel? Thank You
  3. AbiTech25

    Dashboard Freedom Dashboard Updates

    Don't you guys want the recent updates every week for your YouTube Views & Revenue Earning updates on Freedom Dashboard so you know how much you will be getting paid ?
  4. E

    Network Android/iOS app

    I personally am on my phone more than i am my computer and i think it would be a good idea to have a dashboard and forum app for android/iOS devices, i feel like it would bring more activity to the forums and make it easier for alot of members to check their dashboards...
  5. Brovideolol

    Solved No invite issue

    Dear reader. I made a profile a month ago and I am still waiting for an message in my Youtube dashboard. But still on this day i don't have a message recieved. Could any one help me with this problem. I vertifed my mail I added paypal my youtube account is more then a week old now. 7 subs and...
  6. P

    Gaming Hi ^^ I'm a new Youtuber Gamer

    Hi ^^ I'm a new Youtuber Gamer and I want to be a Freedom Partner So What I have to do ????
  7. RitzieRitz

    Other Milestone My Dashboard Was Linked

    My Freedom dashboard is finally linked with my YouTube channel. I am really excited to work on growing my channel with all of the other amazing creators within the community! Let's kill it, guys!! :)
  8. Chronamut

    Solved Freedom dashboard analytics are still blank

    so since day 1 my freedom analytics have been blank on my freedom dashboard - it's been a while now and all my other info in the other tabs has now been displayed except for this.. do I have to wait longer or is there something wrong with my freedom dashboard?
  9. Ouskar.jr

    Sports Back again!!!

    Hey Freedom family It has been a while and I am back with a cool video as usual Check it out!!! Do not forget to subscribe, like. Any comment such as suggestion, feedback under one of my videos will be really appreciate!!! Hope to see you guys on my channel and help each other grow as Papa...
  10. H

    Solved No veo las estadísticas en el dashboard desde que me registre

    Hi all, a month and some days I registered into this partner and although I try to see my stats on the dashboard are never seen. All fields are empty, but the analytics youtube if they are. I wonder if I've done everything right upon checking or got lost in some way? :( I registered on January...
  11. H

    Solved I linked from youtube but here writing no linked

    I am actually signed up to your network yesterday, and added my channel but there was nothing on my youtube dashboard. I thought that i am unable to join this network and i deleted my channel from freedom's dashboard. However today came message to link on my dashboard and linked and i am now...
  12. Alex Hernandez

    Enviado a Soporte No me puedo acceder a Position Music

    Al momento de acceder o clickear en acceder con freedom me manda a mi dashboard :( No se si este haciendo lo correcto o como le hago para utilizar esa música sin riesgo alguno
  13. T

    Community Un problema

    hola que tal yo soy TonyKrack soy nuevo en esto y acabo de recibir la invitación para ser partner con Freedom he aceptado todo pero al momento de entrar en mi tablero de Freedom me dice que mi cuenta aún no está asociada a YouTube, quisiera saber si hice algo malo o tengo que esperar un tiempo...
  14. OmegaThundeGaming

    Freedom Invitation not there!!

    Hello everyone, i just applyed to freedom network about a week ago more or less, but the problem thoe is that i should be receiving an invitation from freedom on my dashboard but i'm not receiving anything and on freedom's dashboard it shows that my channel is not linked. If someone can help me...
  15. Zatacka

    Solved Forum username

    Hello i have this issue on Freedom.tm dashboard. i uploaded an image (Your Forum Username is not set. Click here to set it.) and when i click it goes to my profile. then i click on Connect with your forum account and try every single username and password i've had in my intire life, none of them...
  16. V

    Solved Need help setting up account

    Ok so I'm new and when I go to the dashboard it says,"Before we can pay you, please see your YouTube dashboard and click "Learn More". When I go where it tells me to go I never see the "learn more" button anywhere. Please respond I'm scared that this is going to affect how much I get paid, or if...
  17. DonkeyKong

    Solved Copyright on video of Freedom tab (World News)?

    Hey guys, Maybe a fast answer Why I have a copyright and I can't monitize a video that I have taken from the World News Tab on The Freedom Dashboard? Greetings Hamza Aka DonkeyKong
  18. M&Mnz

    Solved Freedom Partner

    I have joined freedom as a partner, but i do not have access to post on specific forums (specifically: "Advertise you channel here" forum)
  19. Julian Sava

    Solved What happened to the Dashboard from Freedom?

    Hey everyone, until a few days ago I could of seen the income for every month on this page https://www.freedom.tm/dashboard And since yesterday or so I can't find my income for every month. What happened, did they change something ? Will I still get paid ?