let´s play

  1. SergePlaysAlot

    Upload Milestone 35th video Posted Today!!!

    Hello Everyone, and thank you for clicking on this post. 3 weeks Ago I started a New Game, I´ve been wanting to start a gaming channel for a few years now. I didn´t had a proper Pc back then so I had to pospone it for a while. I still don´t have the best Pc or even a good one, but it can record...
  2. FatalAti

    Should Let´s Players Act as They are Not

    Hey guys i m curios what you think cuz there is lots of opinion about this. Small youtube channels tend to copy other youtubers but not in a bad way but is it righteous. I mean they do it so they can find themself but still should they just be as wh they are. I just got a comment on an other...