
  1. Dark Illusion Gaming

    VLOG Live Q&A

    Hey guys, I really want to do a Q&A and I want to live stream it :) I would love it if people from here would ask me some questions :) If you ask the to @dillusiongaming I will answer them live on stream :)
  2. I

    Gaming Imogen & Kai - Introduction :D

    Your name(s): Imogen and Kai Where are you from?: We are from the UK! How old are you?: Imogen 19, Kai 18 What are your hobbies?: We love to play video games and edit videos! Why did you start YouTube? We have always loved the idea of creating content for entertainment and gaining loyal...
  3. madmanencore

    Gaming Madmanencore Gaming Channel :D

    Hello My name is Andy also known as Madmanencore on my Youtube Gaming Channel, I am from the UK in the Midlands and love to play games. From your classic shooters, tetris (which never can spell correct XD) to your more modern COD and GTA V Which is my favorite game currently. I try and play and...