XBox 8-10 Man Bo3 collaboration or how many people!

Natrix Gaming

Rising User
Feb 28, 2016
So I can't find any individual youtubers that really appeal to me so i'm thinkin big to around 8-10 to how many people can fit into an Xbox party!!!! Now aside from the collab for a sec if we continue playing together I will make a Skype group chat currently working on the Skype now? But we would all play a huge game of black ops 3 or GTA V depending on majority (comment below).Now i'm currently 15 but anyone around 17 and below are welcome to join and the amount of subs you have can vary from 25 and up and if anyone wants more detail or to join in on the group comment below :)

The process is really easy to join just hit me up down below but IF we have to many people wanting to join then we would go with the people who have the right equipment and a more professional look on youtube

I am a gaming tip and tricks YouTuber who does tutorials as well
I have 79 subs at the moment
I average 50 per video depending on it's originality
and my gamertag is eZaF rouge
and MSG me when you added me on Xbox through Xbox
and my Skype was't working but i'll add it to the desc when I do make a new one