
Rising User
Aug 19, 2014
I enjoy doing gameplay commentaries about thought envoking things, and I have a subject matter I think would really be cool to do, but want a few opinions on the matter first before I run with it.

I'm wanting to do a commentary on my beliefs. I'm a Christian, and I know how touchy people get with religion. It truly does get a bad rap from people abusing context from the Bible, but I want to show the more accepting and caring side on Christianity. I don't try to force my beliefs on unwilling patrons, and I give everyone a chance to earn my love and respect as another human being. Do I like talking about religion with other Christians? Sure I do! I just think everyone deserves respect and love as a human being. The moment you stop acknowledging that simply because someone else's beliefs differ, you stand against what you try to preach. I may be a man of God, but I'm also a man of love and respect.

Anyways, I would love feedback on the topic. Is it going to be controversial or do you think people will truly enjoy the topic? Just let me know and I will try to base the commentary off of my feedback!

Thank you,
Goped Fred
%80 of people in Mexico are Catholic and same with my dad but they cool so it doesn't matter.


Respected User
Dec 16, 2015
Indiana, United States
I think it depends on how firmly you stand in your beliefs. Technically, as a Christian, I do believe its part of your duty to spread the Word-- the internet is a great place to do that because it has the potential to reach mass audiences. On the other hand, it is possible you will isolate your YouTube audience and my not gain certain subs or might even lose subs who do not agree with your point of view, but then you may gain a Christian following as well. Personally, I would go with your heart and do what you feel you should deep down inside. Good luck with whatever choice you make! (y) (Y)
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Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
I think it depends on how firmly you stand in your beliefs. Technically, as a Christian, I do believe its part of your duty to spread the Word-- the internet is a great place to do that because it has the potential to reach mass audiences. On the other hand, it is possible you will isolate your YouTube audience and my not gain certain subs or might even lose subs who do not agree with your point of view, but then you may gain a Christian following as well. Personally, I would go with your heart and do what you feel you should deep down inside. Good luck with whatever choice you make! (y) (Y)
I have a personal belief that I can reach out to everyone, despite what I believe. Why preach to just the Christians? I preach live for everyone, and I truly believe that just because I believe in Christ, I shouldn't have to isolate my audience just for what I believe. Let's all learn how to start living together, the message of love is something everyone needs to hear.

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
It is something embedded into our species. When we believe something hard enough to our hearts, we will fight back viciously against those who propose other ways of it being. Its quite simply a thing we've evolved to react to. While the greatest of us do believe in world peace as a possibility, as long as there is more than one belief system, it is a realistic impossibility.
Well as long as we have those who are willing to accept love into their hearts, I'll preach it. Not everyone will agree, but if I can inspire at least somebody, I'll do it. It's my passion and goal to educate people to learn to live together. It has to start somewhere
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