
New User
Jan 31, 2016
Heres my story, I think if you can call it so? (took it 'straight' from my YouTube comment.)

I'm a 15 year old (soon 16) german transgender(yes I actually am, but pre-everything) gaming youtuber(recently just created this channel and already got 7 subscribers within some days, thats actually a big deal for me ._.) who does YouTube for fun, but also a bit because I need the money, I want to support my mother, sister & grandma with it, since the times in germany are hard, specially for people like us, my mother works in 2 smaller jobs since she cant do much anymore, and even with that money, we barely got food, and cant buy ourself anything at all, and I want to change that. with the money I hopefully can earn with youtube I want to support them, and also me, since I am transgender I want to save up some of the money, and later use it for surgery & hormones, besides that use, I also want to use it to build up a gaming community, and support other gaming communities, my plans on youtube are No-voice commentaries, since MKIceAndFire, and some other no-voice commentary youtubers inspired me to do so, besides, without voice it keeps the games atmosphere, right? Hearing the beautiful sound of rain in Watch_Dogs, or the sound of the water bubbles you make in Soma! Since we barely got any money here in germany, we had to save up 2 years to get 800€ for an barely-good 'gaming' computer, which I got to my 15th birthday, and I want to pay that money back to my mother, but also upgrade the PC to make 1080p60fps(maybe later if possible also 2/4K) videos, to get the best quality. I'm uploading as much as I can, but with my connection I hardly can upload much(an compressed video from around 1GB to 500MB takes me already 3 hours) since we also pay 50€ for a 16K connection, and 1and1 doesn't seem to be that great, and we cant leave them because of a contract yet. I just hope I can get popular on youtube, to make it a full-time job, so I can support my family, friends and myself. Thanks for reading~!


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask :)