Community Hi, Im new here.


New User
Sep 13, 2016
Hi!, Thanks for coming to this thread, and reading about or if your that person that just leaves then rip. But i wanted to take some time to put some information about my and my youtube channel that you will hopefully find interesting and may stick around to read!

lets get started!

Your name: (Real Name) Jackson, (Youtube name) EndslayerGaming

Where are you from?: I am from New York, up state so i practically live in Canada.

How old are you?: Im 14 as a freshman in high school!

How did you find Freedom!? I found Freedom! but just looking around on the internet one day cause that's a good idea.... But i found this place and i applied for a partnership and here i am today!

What made you join our forums?: I joined the forums cause i was bored one day and wanted something to do and i am trying to get into looking on it more.

What are your hobbies?: My hobbies are mainly playing video games but i also do play hockey.
What is your favorite food? Chicken Fingers. Im that person

Why did you start YouTube? I started doing youtube because since i was the age of 8 i loved making random videos on youtube and anything that i could think of and i enjoyed doing it and i kept doing it making alot of channels and then i decided to make this channel since i love playing video games and i love posting videos so i decided to make it and start posting videos.

What is your biggest dream? My biggest dream is to at least get like, 10000 subs on YouTube or at least 1000. Or be a cool kid, That'd be neat.

What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming, And comedy!

How frequently do you upload?: I TRY to upload once every other day and sometimes i achieve that goal and most of the time i don't but i am getting better at it, at most i usually post once every 3 days.

Haha! You made it to the end! Thanks for reading it means a lot. I really hope you liked this post introducing it was fun to make. If you would like to check on my YouTube channel that'd be great i appreciate everyone that views my video and subscribes. Thanks again so much!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Sep 20, 2016
United States
Welcome to the Freedom family! I never played hockey but it sure looks hella fun! Anyways ima try to check that gucci channel of yours out so ill brb! Anyways have fun and good luck on your journey! :D


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, ask me in the chat or send me a Private Message
I am on regularly so I should be able to help you if need be.

If you are an official Freedom! Partner on YouTube, why don't you apply for the badge.
Just go to this post:

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