Solved I need help QnA

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Apr 10, 2016
How do i know that i'm partnered

When will i get money if i start uploading video's (just joined freedom today)

And how much do i get

Thanks for the help


Gaming and Commentary
Freedom! Member
It can take a week or so to become accepted as a partner.
To check your partner status, go to your YouTube features page [LINK] for the channel you have applied with, then look for 'Partner Verified' and 'Freedom!' next to the network name. (Please not that you may see Freedom!2 or another number. This is just because of the high volume of partners in the Freedom! family.)

To start earning money, you must monetise your videos. This can be done by going to your YouTube Video Manager [LINK] and looking for a '$' icon next to the video. If this does not appear, or is greyed/crossed out, you can quickly monetise all videos by clicking the check box next to the 'Actions' drop-down menu, then clicking Actions > Monetise. Select the ad formats you wish to apply (it is recommended to select them all) and then clicking 'Monetise'.
You are paid around two (2) months after the end of the earning period. For example, if you earned $100 during April, you would be paid that $100 in June. This waiting period is for YouTube and Freedom! to verify that the revenue gained in that period is real.

What you earn depends on how many views and subscribers you have/get per month, as well as your location and the locations of your viewers. The base amount you will get is a 60/40 split with the network. (i.e. if you earn $100 in a month, you will be paid $60 and the network will take $40.) This base split can be increased depending on the amount of viewers your content generates and subscriber milestones you hit.

I hope this information is helpful to you.
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