PC Looking for PC Gamer's to Collaborate with


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2015
Hello everyone my names Austin and im 21 from Texas.

Channel main topic: Gaming

Wide Variety of Games - I have lots of games but heres a list of a couple,
BO3, Armored Warfare, World of Tanks, Gmod, GTA5, Several other games.

I have 213 Subscribers and 45K Views.

You can contact me by Skype which you can find my Skype on my freedom profile.
Through Twitter at @KJA_Gaming or you can
*"Preferred" Through Reply down below.

My Channel is KJA Gaming Net, I mostly upload video games but also sometimes do pc hardware and unboxings but mostly gaming lol. I try to upload 5 times a week every week, Looking for some people to help grow both of our channels and also to meet some new YouTuber's.

My channel is : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoDW-U-orSIUxK0b-ex3u0g