SlamDunk Comedy

New User
Jan 20, 2016
Hey guys! So a couple of weeks ago I reached my first 1000 subscribers on YouTube!!! Having a successful YouTube channel has been my dream for years! While my channel is still relatively new, only 4 months old, I have had 3 other channels in the past that.. well.. all failed miserably to say the least. So now I decided that I will give you guys some advice based on what I did to reach my first 1000 subscribers! I hope it helps you as much as it has me thus far :)

Tip #1: Know your Audience!
This is by far the most important tip I can offer. You have to have a clear understanding of what your channel is and who it is targeted at. For example, I post Basketball and NBA related comedy videos. It's a very specific niche but that allows me to really know who my audience is; Basketball fans. This is also where you want to use the analytics tab on YouTube. You may know the overall type of people, but the analytics tab on YouTube will help you to narrow your target even more. Once again I will use my channel as an example. When I first started I knew my videos were directed at basketball fans, and thanks to the analytics page I learned that most of the people who subscribed to my channel are male and between the ages of 18-35. Which became extremely useful information to have for tip number 2...

Tip #2: Get involved!
This step requires you to become heavily invested in online communities. Communities that fall into the same niche as your YouTube channel. For me this meant I became heavily involved in NBA and Basketball discussion groups on Facebook. When I say become involved I dont mean just spam links to your videos. But genuinely get involved. You have to make a name for yourself in that community. Im not saying you cant post links to your videos, but do so in a way that is less spammy and more likely to get people to respond to it in a positive manner. For example lets say you're into the Call of Duty community and you have a video on your longest kill streak. Instead of posting something like "Check out this video where I go on a 20 kill streak!!" post something more along the lines of "This was by far the best game I have ever played!! Do you guys remember your longest kill streak? How big was it??" Asking a question that involves other people in the group is more likely to get responses. The more responses you get the more people will see your post and maybe view your video. Also make sure to respond to people who do comment on your post. Engage with them and even add them as a friend or follow them! If they no longer see you as a complete stranger they are much more likely to support you and your channel.

Tip #3: Build a Community!
This is honestly one of my favorite parts of YouTubing. Turning your YouTube channel into a community of like minded people who know exactly what they're getting out of being a member! Make your channel into something bigger than just a place to watch videos. Really make your audience a part of your family. Constantly respond to comments and reach out to your subscribers outside of YouTube even. If they follow you on twitter, instagram or any other form of social media be sure to interact with or even follow them back! Also try to get your subscribers to interact with each other! It will help a lot if they feel your channel is somewhere on the internet they can go to communicate with other people that enjoy the same things as them! This will help to attract new viewers who stumble upon your videos as well! If you found a video and then looked in the comment section would you be more likely to subscribe if you see tons and tons of comments that are interacting with each other? Or a video that doesn't get many comments at all and no one is interacting. Make people feel welcome! Both unsubscribed, new and old viewers.

Those are the 3 main tips that I have used to reach my first 1000 subscribers. Of course there is also the basics of posting quality content on a schedule. And also don't be afraid to try new things. My most successful series that I started called "NBA Pokemon" which has gotten me over 50,000 views by itself was just a funny thought that I had one night that I brought to life. Of course at the time I was nervous that my subscribers wouldn't enjoy it and I may even lose some of them, however those are just risks that you have to take. NEVER be afraid of taking a risk on YouTube. Some of your best ideas are most likely also some of the ideas that you think won't work. I hope this tips help you guys to not only reach your first 1000 subscribers but many many more after that! Anything is possible if you're willing to make sacrifices and put the work in :) (P.S If you enjoy the NBA check out my channel!! Haha its a fun ever growing community of basketball fans! :D)
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