Community Trippst3r has arrived


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 7, 2016
United States
Hi guys! I'm not good at introductions so I'll use the template in the sticky.

Your name/alias: Lucas/Trippst3r
Where are you from?: United States
How old are you?: 19, 20 on Oct. 7
How did you find Freedom!? I was doing research a while back and discovered it.
What made you join our forums?: I applied for the Freedom! network and wanted to get more involved.
What are your hobbies?: Roller skating, video games, food
What is your favorite food? The kind you eat, or pizza
Why did you start YouTube? I've had an interest in doing it for quite some time, so I finally just began it. I hope people who view my videos find the slightest enjoyment and entertainment.
What is your biggest dream? To live prosperously with no worries
What kind of channel do you run?: As of now, gaming
How frequently do you upload?: It's been daily so far, but I doubt that will continue to be the case.