Recent content by LanokirX

  1. LanokirX

    no more 350 subs been unsubbed :(

    Lost 18 myself. It do suck to lose subs when you are a small channel, but the only way is to keep up working, and don't give up. : )
  2. LanokirX

    Weird Games you played recently?

    I did play it yesterday with my brothers, and it was hilarious! Seriously superfun and easily emotional game. xD
  3. LanokirX

    What do you think the best game of this generation is

    I read an article a while ago that by pure statics is the MOBA games the biggest games of this generation, like MMORPG was previously (I think it was). Games like League of Legends, Dota 2, Smite, Heroes of the Storm and other games are usually free, somehow easy to play and get into. While I'm...
  4. LanokirX

    Shots Fired At Sony E3 Press Conference

    I first thought you meant literally shots fired. Been to many shootings lately. :c But yea, Sony definitely showed some amazing games. Just sucks I dont have a PS4 yet.D:
  5. LanokirX

    Is reaction videos considered harassment

    Honestly, the best thing to deal with such people is just to report them. Keep yourself clean from getting dragged down in their doing. :)
  6. LanokirX

    Should I do Minecraft?

    Probably hard to gain much views and watchers if only doing Minecraft. While it can be a nice and funny side-thing, sure, go for it. c: But also depends much on what goal you have with the channel. :)
  7. LanokirX

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    Well think my PC is getting a bit old, I need to upgrade it though that cost money and money I shall not have apparently. xD But yea, more then once was I the receiving end of Reapers and Hanzo's aim. Especially when a Reaper just port in and ult, DIE DIE DIE, I just "ARGH NOT AGAIN!" xD Think...
  8. LanokirX

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    Yea, I understand that it can be a struggle to juggle both work, family and Youtube. So that is good to keep up and record extra so you have for the days you can't record. And ofc, more subs, views and comments really do make a huge different; it's an insane moral boost! And ofc, the better it...
  9. LanokirX

    Channel Issues

    From checking a bit of your video did I think it was very good. : o What I saw have you been doing Youtube vids for 7 months? Think you need to let it take the time, cause it's really hard to reach out. Good thing is to be active on social media like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc, as well...
  10. LanokirX

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    Another suggestion; try to collaborate with another Youtuber, that can also increase with some subs and views! You seem to get into Overwatch, try to get someone to join for it too *v*
  11. LanokirX

    Your thoughts on BATTLEFIELD 1!

    Just looking at the trailer pumps me up! Seems to be a great game, though its still early and I want to try it out before I judge it completely. But its an amazing trailer though!
  12. LanokirX

    Weird Games

    There is many crazy games for sure! : D As some said; Goat Simulator is one and I am Bread. I would suggest Gmod too!
  13. LanokirX

    Good clips hard to come by.

    I'm a bit confused here sorry, do you mean its hard to get clips from other Youtubers contents for shoutout videos? : o
  14. LanokirX

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    Overall is it hard I would say. Much is about being active and such. I think videos without commentary and such is much harder to reach out as many do like to see and/or hear people when they play. Maybe it's just me, but think that might be the case. And its a lot with patience, gaining subs...
  15. LanokirX


    Do I like playing it? Yes, I think its a nice and cool game. Like watching it? Not as much, I prefer playing it. : )