
New User
May 5, 2016
What's up everybody? I'm TheMercenaree. I make gaming videos of Nintendo games. Right now, I'm doing two playthroughs: one of Hyrule Warriors and one of Twilight Princess HD. If you are interested in any of those games, maybe you should come check out my channel? Not forcing anyone to.

Your name: TheMercenaree
Where are you from?: California
How did you find Freedom!? Through YouTube
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy riding my hoverboard (the one that doesn't hover) and playing video games
What is your favorite food? Pizza (yes, very generic choice)
Why did you start YouTube? It seemed like an interesting thing to do, so I did it.
What is your biggest dream? I hope that some day, I will be able to live off of my YouTube channel.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming
How frequently do you upload?: 2 times a week: Monday and Thursday